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Communications of the ACM (CACM)
Issues of particular interest include:
- 2005, 48, 7 - Special Section on Designing for the Mobile Device
- 2005, 48, 1 - Special Section on Interaction Design and Children
- 2004, 47, 9 - Special Section on End-User Development
- 2004, 47, 1 - Special Section on Multimodal Interfaces that Flex, Adapt, and Persist
- 2003, 46, 3 - Special Section on Attentive User Interfaces
- 2002, 45, 12 - Special Section on Issues and Challenges in Ubiquitous Computing
- 2002, 45, 10 - Special Section on Creativity and Interface
- 2000, 43, 8 - Special Issue on Personalization
- 2000, 43, 3 - Special Section on Perceptual User Interfaces
- 1999, 42, 5 - Special Sections on Persuasive Technologies and The Diversity of Usability Practices
- 1997, 40, 7 - Special Section on Electronic Performance Support Systems
- 1996, 39, 9 - Special Section on Technology Transfer: So Much Research, So Few Good Products
- 1995, 38, 9 - Special Section on Representations of Work
- 1995, 38, 8 - Special Issue on Designing Hypermedia Applications
- 1995, 38, 7 - Special Section on End-User Training and Learning
- 1995, 38, 5 - Special Section on Requirements Gathering: The Human Factor
- 1993, 36, 6 - Special Issue on Participatory Design
- 1993, 36, 4 - Special Section on Graphical User Interfaces: The Next Generation
- 1992, 35, 5 - Special Section on Computers and People with Disabilities
- 1991, 34, 10 - Special Issue on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work